Singapore Night Shots Across Marina Bay Sands

Illumination in its varying degrees have always fascinated me, and natural lights are an even bigger source of wonder. I’ve been wanting to see the Northern Lights, which I missed because I turned off the lights too early on my last night in Reykyavik! (Apparently the ever-elusive Aurora Borealis chose to appear when I was already fast asleep! It's almost like winning lotto and losing it all on the same day). In visual arts, a subject is able to evoke the intended mood only under the right amount of light. And light is most crucial in photography; balance is most difficult to achieve in natural light, and most especially challenging at night. 

Some two weeks back, I went to a couple of locations in Singapore for a photography session on night shots. It was a humid day when we set up our tripods near the Merlion, across Marina Bay Sands. I shouldn't be talking about humidity as it won't show in photographs anyways. On the other hand, too much humidity is never conducive for staying out waiting for the right moment of light. And therefore like light, humidity can affect one's mood! Anyways, enough said. In any case, my group tried to squeeze in among a throng of tourists who were obviously in-the-know in terms of where to get an unparalleled view of a famous Singapore architecture. Once given our chance, we set up our tripods on the view deck, and waited...and waited for the exact moment to press the shutter.

And below is the product of some two-hours of waiting that almost led to a heat rash!

Marina Bay Sands at 5:42pm.

We started setting up our tripods at dusk - 6:58 pm. Before that, we were busily taking photos of unsuspecting tourists, some (bless them!) gamely smiled for the camera upon learning we needed to meet some quota to "pass" our session.
Marina Bay Sands...

slowly coming to life

The green and red in the foreground is a motion-blurred tourist boat; many boats ply the area throughout the day, and increasingly more toward evening to night 
Another boat crosses my frame; the lights at MBS have also been switched on

Is this a river or an asphalted road glistening after the rain? 
Night sky finally takes over the day; but on the ground, neon lights keep the surrounding area bright.

Merlion at 7:58 pm...what a difference a crucial hour makes

Couldn't resist but take one final shot...I quickly set my camera to auto mode (I'm hoping my photography teacher won't read this --- he strongly dissuaded us from using auto mode!). Not bad I would say...but not too good either :-) So friends, if you're planning to take night shots, make sure you're equipped with the most important weapon...your tripod. In my case, I was lucky I could borrow my teacher's professional tripod...but of course if he sees this shot, he might never lend it to me again.

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